About Us

We are a community driven Parkour and Freerunning Club based out of Bloomington, Indiana. Our mission is to create a fun, accessible, alternative fitness option for anyone who wants to give it a try. These sessions include free lessons in the basics of parkour for all beginners.

All inquiries: bloomingtonparkour@gmail.com


Thanks for scrolling all the way down here. This is our SECRET origin story, so don't tell anyone, ok?

We started Bloomington Parkour in Spring of 2020, as a way of getting exercise outdoors. We had all done parkour, at some level, for years at the point. Some of us had been members of the Parkour and Freerunning club at Indiana University, and others had been members of a local Ninja gym. However, the parkour scene in Bloomington at the time wasn't developed as well. People were training, but there was no organization or regular practices.

Starting in the backyard of our local Makerspace, we began teaching parkour lessons for beginners classes and building our own equipment. Quickly, we started to grow a following as we discovered that there were a lot of people in Bloomington Indiana who were interested in starting to learn Parkour, but didn't know how to begin.

From there, we made it our mission to help get people involved in Parkour, so that more people could train together and enjoy the city through movement. All of our public sessions are free, as to keep Parkour as accessible as possible to everyone. We teach solid fundamentals, emphasize good conditioning, and encourage a sense of fun and community in our group. We are Bloomington made and believe in supporting our town and our community.

So now that you know how and why we got started, check us out in real life. It's time to start your movement journey with Bloomington Parkour. We'll be waiting for you.